The Dutch television production company CCCP B.V. has been a client of our office since 2004 and is one of our first clients. In those days CCCP was well-known for the production of the tv-show “6Pack”.

Nowadays CCCP has become a mature production company that produces, among other things, the television programs RAMBAM and STREETLAB (which was nominated for a Dutch Television Ring in 2015).

Use of hidden camera allowed?

We assist CCCP by answering all questions are relevant to the television productions. Are the formats and titles as developed by CCCP adequately protected? Is it allowed to make recordings with a hidden camera or is there a violation of someone’s privacy? Does the content of the production comply with the media law? Should one of these questions be answered with a ‘no’, we will make sure to advise CCCP how to comply with applicable laws and regulations and how CCCP may obtain the best possible protection.

In addition, the use of the hidden camera in the RAMBAM television program often raises some resistance. For CCCP, however, it is important to expose social wrongs, for which the use of hidden cameras is often essential. We provide the adequate legal support, so that the legal frameworks are not violated.

The operation of a production company

In addition to assessing the contents of television productions and related contracts, we also offer CCCP legal support in the overall business operations. For example, our Labor Lawyers section reviews the contents of the employment contracts of employees “in front of and behind the camera” and we ensure that the freelance contracts comply with the constantly amended legislation.

All in all, we have been working together with this creative company for over 13 years.

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