To be eligible for copyright protection, a work must be original. IPLawyers help you determine if a work can be protected by copyright and assist you in infringement cases.
A trademark is a recognisable sign or design which identifies products and services from those of others. We represent well-known brands by registering their trademark worldwide and to tackle trademark infringements.
(design) patentS
Registering a design is an effective way of achieving extra protection for your product. It gives you an extra opportunity to act against infringements. IPLawyers can register your design worldwide and assist you in acting against infringing parties.
Trade nameS
A trade name is the name under which the company or part of that company operates. The scope of the trade name law has grown because of the use of internet by most companies.
To be eligible for copyright protection, an original work must be involved. Lawyers could write reams about the question whether a product is or is not eligible for copyright.
Trademark law
A trademark is a recognisable sign or design which identifies products and services from those of others. We often represent famous brands to tackle trademark infringement.
Design law and patent law
Registering a model is an extremely effective way of achieving extra protection for a product at a relatively low cost. The design right therefore often exists alongside copyright protection of a creative work and provides extra arguments for tackling infringement.
Trade name law
Since the use of the Internet, the scope of the trade name law has become much greater and this has resulted in many disputes.
New Legal
With New Legal, you get the support of regular sparring partners with specialist knowledge.
A suitable solution for all entrepreneurs. Legal support for a fixed monthly sum.
Legal scan
Full report regarding protection status of intellectual property rights
and know how
Update to
full protection
From € 550*
Legal scan
Implementing a strategy, also internationally, to optimally exploit the intellectual property rights of your company.
Ready to use
From € 900*
Legal scan
Drawing up an
IP Due Diligence report as part of an acquisition, merger or participation
Update to
ready to sell IP rights
Fixed fee per project
Legal scan
Volledig rapport beschermingsstatus intellectuele eigendomsrechten
en know how
Update naar
full protection
Vanaf € 550*
Legal scan
Het realiseren van een (internationale) strategie om de intellectuele eigendomsrechten van uw onderneming optimaal te exploiteren
Ready to use
Vanaf € 900*
Legal scan
Het realiseren van een
IP Due Dilligence rapport als onderdeel van een overname, fusie of participatie
Update naar
ready to sell IE rechten
Fixed fee per project
Legal scan
Full report regarding protection status of intellectual property rights
and know how
Update to
full protection
From € 550*
Legal scan
Implementing a strategy, also internationally, to optimally exploit the intellectual property rights of your company.
Ready to use
From € 900*
Legal scan
Drawing up an
IP Due Diligence report as part of an acquisition, merger or participation
Update to
ready to sell IP rights
Fixed fee per project
We offer the possibility to schedule a meeting with one of our lawyers 24 hours a day. You are more than welcome to visit our offices in Amsterdam, The Hague or Rotterdam, but we also offer online appointments through Zoom, Skype or other online video meetings.